I have chosen not to do a Friday Funny post today, because today is "Good Friday..."
Among all the eggs, bunnies an pastels that are being prepared for Easter Sunday Celebration, we often pass right over "Good Friday" as though it is just another day. I am often guilty of focusing on the rejoicing, rather than the suffering and life that was laid down for me {and you}.
We would have nothing to rejoice about if it wasn't for the suffering that happened prior.
It is hard to comprehend the true gift that we have been freely given through the death of Jesus Christ. A guiltless and perfect man was ridiculed, tortured and crucified because of His desire to save us from the repercussions of sin!
John 17:1-3 ..."Father, the hour has come, Glorify your Son so he can give glory back to you. For you have given him authority over everyone. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. And this is the way to have eternal life - to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth."
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A crown of thorns was placed on His head, He was beaten, whipped and mocked and eventually nailed to a cross.
John 19:30 "It is finished!" Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.
I have chosen to be a follower of Jesus Christ because I know I am a hopeless case without Him. I am destined to sin and fail each and every day. No matter how hard I work, I will never be able to earn God's favor. God will always look at my life and see my sin as scarlet.
However we have been given the gift of grace. God sent His only son to die for us so that we may have eternal life and our sins shall be forever paid for!
Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as wool."
God has freely given us grace that we don't deserve and can't ever earn. Jesus gave up His life to save ours and to spend eternity with us!
Today can be called "Good Friday" because we have been given unmerited grace so that we can choose to live in a relationship with Jesus Christ and know that God our Father will no longer see our sin, but see us white as snow...
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