
Behold the ugly dresser!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am so thrilled I can hardly contain myself!  My wonderful husband got it in his head to go to a couple garage sales and he scored!  He is seriously the best husband in the world :-)

What he got me was exactly what I needed...I just said in my last post how I wanted a dresser to replace our entertainment center, and that is exactly what I got today!  I know you are probably thinking, "wow, really pretty Brooke..." but just wait till you see the finished product!

The best part of it all is that with this one unit, we will accomplish two major needs at once!  I can't wait to reveal the finished project tomorrow, it is turning out better than I could have ever hoped :-)


1. Tiffany said...

Can't wait to see ~ How do you have time to do all this!!

2. Crazy Wonderful said...

Seriously, how lucky are you that your hubby did this!!! Mine just rolls his eyes, hahaha!

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your sweet comment :D I think it's so interesting how many of us are scared to put up gallery walls. I say go for it! I wish I would have done it sooner.

Great new blog, and you have a new follower!


3. Robin Edmondson said...

Brooke, I didn't know you had a blog! Love it!! I can't wait to see what you did with the dresser. I'm going to paint a chest of drawers for Lila's room next weekend, so can't wait for the details! xo

4. Brooke @ Spruce Your Nest said...

Thanks Robin! My blog is definitly a work in progress...

Tiff - believe me I am a walking zombie lately ;-)

Shelley - thanks for stopping by! My husband definitely shocked me on this one!

5. Nicole@Thrifty Decorating said...

I can't wait to see the finished project!! If you remember, link it up!

Did I forget to tell you that I was featuring you?? Sorry about that! I try to tell everyone when I feature them! :)

6. Brooke @ Spruce Your Nest said...

Thanks Nicole! It was fine that you didn't tell me, it was an exciting suprise! I linked up my finished dresser this morning :-)

7. Anonymous said...

I have this dresser and I resent you calling it “ugly”.

8. Ella said...

I enjoyed readingg this

9. Anonymous said...

Just got a complete set of this dresser, night stand and chest. But chance, would you happen to know who made these?

10. Marina said...

Anonymous, I just inherited this exact set from my parents, my mother doesn’t remember what store they bought it from!! I’ve been scouring the internet doing reverse image searches because I only have the bed frame, wide dresser with mirror, and two nightstands. I desperately want the tall dresser.
The back of the nightstand says “8103-050 Fall’s Creek Nightstand”, if that helps!! I can’t find anything about Fall’s Creek besides that it was a furniture company from 1901-1930
Please send me an email if you’re able to find any information on this!

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